Thank you for your interest in becoming certified with ACO Certification Ltd.

Please find linked documents which comprise our Information Kit and which outline the process of becoming certified with ACOWholesaler/Licensee Processor/Retailer/Restaurant/Importercertification program.

You will find linked:

You can download the Organic Standards below:

To apply for certification:

  • Please complete the Certification Application Forms as appropriate and return it to our office.
  • Once the application forms have been received by the office, our Accounts Department will issue an invoice that must be paid prior to the progression of your application.

Please note that the Statutory Declaration requires initials and dating at the bottom of each page, plus full signatures of an eligible witness and yourself. Please ensure that you sign and have witnessed the appropriate documents were indicated.

Should you require assistance in completing your Certification Application please contact:

Kristi Rasmussen 07 3350 5706